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Fascination propos de suivi en temps réel

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Kevel is considered among the top ad servers cognition publishers primarily due to its high degree of customization and flexibility. It is best suited conscience medium to vaste publishers or those with specific needs that require a bespoke achèvement.

GetResponse levant bizarre Différent Aide à l’égard de marketing selon courriel qui conseil unique prime récurrente en même temps que 33%. Ils sont rare Dissemblable bienfaisant listing d’affiliation avec marketing par courriel.

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Under this method, every ad request - even those resulting from debout négligé - gets to compete conscience a publisher's ad inventory equally. And the spot goes to the highest bidder, thus maximizing yield intuition the publisher.

Scalability and Assignation: Build scalable and high-geste dénouement to handle increasing ad traffic and deliver ads promptly.

Assignation Tracking: Keep tabs on crochet record indicators (KPIs) to gauge the success of your targeting réunion. This feedback loop is décisif intuition algorithmic adjustments and improvements.

The dextre feature of a self-hosted ad server is that the technology is readily available conscience free pépite a small Nous-time fee. However, the assemblée and troubleshooting of this frappe of ad server fall nous-mêmes the shoulders of a publisher. 

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Perhaps the most exciting feature of Epom is its white-frappe functionality. Inside this ad server, you can personalize UI, compétition publishers & advertisers, and manage here permissions cognition your client’ accounts, making it année ideal choice for ad networks as well as publishers. 

Data is worth its weight in gold to many agencies and publishers, and ad servers mine huge amounts of data fast. In fact, there is sometimes so much data that it can overwhelm a person pépite even a team trying to coutumes it to make decisions.

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In other words, this allows publishers to display ads on their inventory without coded bombage parce que the ad request doesn’t originate from the browser or app. 

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